Hardware Recommendations
- 16 cores / 32 threads(vCPU), or more
- 2.8GHz base clock speed, or faster
- Disk
- Ledger: 2TB or larger. SSD suggested
- Accounts: 500G or larger. SSD suggested
- Accounts and ledger should not be stored on the same disk
- Eclipse binaries(except eclipse-validator) and RPC method are compatible with solana.
- eclipse-validator
- eclipse-validator build from https://github.com/Eclipse-Laboratories-Inc/solar-eclipse. We are currently using
- Version: v1.17.31.1
- Commit hash: 8d7b5717da8d24934704688426eaf17ffc7f5b10
- Feature set: 2056187671
- eclipse-validator is incompatible with solana-validator. it will panic due to different bankhash if using solana-validator to sync eclipse chain data.
- Currently, eclipse-validator parameters are used in the same way as solana-validator.
The following step to run mainnetbeta node
Build eclipse binaries
- rust version
- nodejs version 18
mkdir -p "${WORK_HOME}"
cd "${WORK_HOME}"
Build solana-eclipse
git clone [<https://github.com/Eclipse-Laboratories-Inc/solar-eclipse.git>](<https://github.com/Eclipse-Laboratories-Inc/solar-eclipse.git>) \\
solar-eclipse --branch v1.17.31.1 --depth 1
pushd solar-clipse
apt-get -q update && \\
**apt-get -qy install *\\*
build-essential git clang libssl-dev libudev-dev perl pkg-config protobuf-compiler
cargo +1.75.0 build --features "eclipse" --release \\
--bin solana-faucet \\
--bin solana-genesis \\
--bin solana-validator \\
--bin solana \\
--bin solana-keygen \\
--bin solana-ledger-tool \\
--bin solana-test-validator
cp ./target/release/solana /usr/local/bin/eclipse
cp ./target/release/solana-faucet /usr/local/bin/eclipse-faucet
cp ./target/release/solana-genesis /usr/local/bin/eclipse-genesis
cp ./target/release/solana-keygen /usr/local/bin/eclipse-keygen
cp ./target/release/solana-ledger-tool /usr/local/bin/eclipse-ledger-tool
cp ./target/release/solana-test-validator /usr/local/bin/eclipse-test-validator
cp ./target/release/solana-validator /usr/local/bin/eclipse-validator
RPC node
eclipse-validator \\
--ledger "$ECLIPSE_LEDGER" \\
--accounts "$ECLIPSE_LEDGER/accounts" \\
--identity "$ECLIPSE_RPC_KEYPAIR" \\
--known-validator "4k2SdR8tM19LkK5kuDN4Dak9dWSdsp8PwWDkjeb16EK1" \\
--known-validator "Chjh22dhHPioeU88Tck2sJ1DnQR9b89gCDVUZRguZ5hS" \\
--known-validator "8Lym2rUvncxubABhu4Vi2LLb5U1aEasQY4zGVEXmjMC8" \\
--entrypoint "mainnetbeta-entrypoint-000.prod.eclipse.xyz:8200" \\
--expected-genesis-hash "EAQLJCV2mh23BsK2P9oYpV5CHVLDNHTxYss3URrNmg3s" \\
--rpc-port 8111 \\
--gossip-port 8200 \\
--dynamic-port-range 8201-8300 \\
--limit-ledger-size 50000000 \\
--log "$ECLIPSE_LEDGER/validator.log" \\
--allow-private-addr \\
--enable-extended-tx-metadata-storage \\
--enable-rpc-transaction-history \\
--full-rpc-api \\
--account-index program-id \\
--account-index spl-token-owner \\